Friday 6 June 2008

Lindsay Lohan: Stolen Fur Coat Update

While owners of a New York nightclub have offered to settle a legal battle between Lindsay Lohan and Masha Markova over a fur coat which the actress allegedly stole while partying in the city, PETA have asked for the garment to be donated to the homeless.

Lohan is being sued by the New York student, who claims the Mean Girls star swiped her $12,000 (£6,000) mink coat in January.

John Englebert, owner of top Manhattan hotspots Prime and Suzie Wong, has offered to buy Lindsay a new $11,000 (£5,500) blonde mink coat, as well as settle the lawsuit against her as a thank you for being such a valued customer.

A spokeswoman for the club boss says: "Lindsay has always been a fixture and a party girl in his establishments and John does not want her to catch a cold in this frigid start to the summer."

Englebert adds Access Hollywood: "I am offering to take Lindsay on a mink shopping spree with me, to have the coat of her choice. My motto has always been, `If the coat fits, buy it.'"

Anti-fur activists at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) won’t be too happy with LiLo’s potential purchase - they are already urging Masha, the original owner of the mink coat, to donate the dead animal to someone more needy.

PETA boss Dan Mathews has written to Markov, explaining: "That coat belonged to dozens of animals that were electrocuted, gassed, strangled, drowned or beaten to death just so you could try to appear wealthy."

Mathews suggests Markova watch an anti-fur video hosted by former fur-wearer Martha Stewart and then donate the fur, which was a gift from the student's grandmother, to the homeless.

Do you think there is too much fuss surrounding this fur coat incident? Be sure to leave your comments below.